
Developing Leadership Skills: Discover Your Leadership Archetype

In the words of Simon Sinek, “Leadership has nothing to do with rank, sitting at the highest level of the organisation doesn’t make you a leader, the people under you follow you but do not trust you, but you see people who have chosen to help those around them, leadership is the responsibility to see those around us rise, we should be the leader we wish we had, when we do everything to see our partners, colleagues rise, serving their dreams. You dare to advance a vision, take risks and believe in people, the courage to do the right thing.”

The landscape of leadership has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past century. A hundred years ago, success at Harvard Business School was measured by an ability to dictate direction and craft rigid strategies, ensuring everyone marched in lockstep. Forty years later, the focus shifted from simply setting the course to inspiring a shared vision. Leaders became architects of the future, helping teams understand the "why" and "how" of their journey. Today, we've entered a new era where leadership excellence hinges on cultivating a thriving organisational culture and fostering the capabilities of those entrusted to your care.

“Leadership today is less about getting people to follow you to the future and more about getting them to co-create with you.” -Linda A. Hill. That’s why at Spurt! we are very big on teamwork and collaboration, and we believe teamwork makes the Team Work.

Great leaders aren't born, they're built. And the building blocks of effective leadership in today's dynamic world can be summarised by the ABCs: Architect, Bridger, and Catalyst.

Just as an architect designs a building’s foundation, a leader, as ARCHITECT builds the company’s culture and fosters collaboration for innovation. This involves creating a space where people feel comfortable sharing ideas, taking risks, and working together towards a common goal, they ensure individuals feel empowered to not just fulfil their roles but to push boundaries and explore their full potential. They understand that collaboration is the fuel for success, and they actively build bridges between teams and individuals, fostering a spirit of “we” over “me’.

Here are some ways leaders show their architectural skills:

a. Establishing clear values and purpose

b. Encouraging open communication

c. Building trust and respect

d. Celebrating diversity of thought.

The best leaders understand that innovation rarely happens in isolation. As a BRIDGER, you become a master networker, forging strategic partnerships outside your organisation. These partnerships can take many forms, including:

  • Leveraging external resources: Don't reinvent the wheel! Bridger leaders identify valuable tools and services offered by external providers, For example, a leader might partner with a company like Spurt! to leverage their powerful project management tool, Sync!, and enhance internal collaboration, this allows them to streamline internal processes and focus resources on core competencies.

  • Building win-win relationships: Successful partnerships are built on mutual benefit. The Bridger leader negotiates win-win collaborations that create value for both parties.

  • Collaborating with complementary companies: Synergy is key. Partnering with companies whose strengths complement yours can lead to ground-breaking innovations and an expanded market reach. Imagine your HR department streamlining processes like appraisals and surveys, or effortlessly posting job ads, all with the help of Spurt!'s HR toolkit. This is a prime example of how a Bridger leader leverages external resources to improve internal operations.


By actively building bridges with external partners, the Bridger leader unlocks new possibilities for growth, innovation, and success.

We've explored the Architect leader who builds a strong foundation for collaboration, and the Bridger leader who forges partnerships for external innovation. Now, let's meet the Catalyst leader who ignites the fire within their team.

Great leaders don't just manage, they inspire. The Catalyst leader acts as a catalyst, accelerating collaboration and unlocking the full potential of their team members. This requires a shift from relying solely on formal authority to fostering a culture of trust and mutual respect. Here’s how you as a catalyst leader, can empower your team from zero to hero:

a. Empowerment over control: The Catalyst leader relinquishes the need for micromanagement as they understand this can stifle creativity. They empower team members to take ownership, make decisions, and learn from mistakes.

b. Inspiring innovation: You can't command creativity, but you can cultivate it. The Catalyst leader creates an environment that encourages experimentation, celebrates innovation, and embraces new ideas.

c. Investing in development: The Catalyst leader recognises that people are the company's greatest asset. They invest in training, coaching, and development opportunities to help team members grow their skills and capabilities.

A Catalyst leader understands that genuine commitment comes from within, not from external control. They don't dictate innovation; they invite their team to explore possibilities, experiment, and contribute their unique talents. They let go of formal authority as their source of power and influence. This fosters a sense of ownership and fuels a collaborative spirit that drives innovation and success.

At the end of the day the Architect, Bridger, and Catalyst leaders work in concert to create a truly thriving organisation. The Architect lays the foundation, the Bridger expands the reach, and the Catalyst ignites the spark. Mastering these three leadership archetypes empowers your team, unlocks innovation, and propels your company towards a brighter future.